Prevention is better than cure

Do not turn on A/C immediately as soon as you enter Your car! How many of you listen this? What is the relevance of the proverb here? Even though so cold, it is habitual to turn on the A/C while we enter the car .But please give a couple of minutes to give time for the interior air to go out before you enter the car next time. According to studies, the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener emits Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin, poisons your bones, causes anemia, and reduces white blood cells.

Most of us regard the 'new car smell' (odor that comes from the combination of materials found in new automobiles) as a pleasant and desirable smell. The chemicals in the fumes include toluene and styrene, which can damage the human brain and nervous system and liver. Most of the interior of an automobile consists of plastic held together with a number of adhesives and sealers. When the car is first manufactured, these materials are left slightly unstable, and continue to release volatile organic compounds into the air afterward.

According to researches, acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft. A car parked indoors with the windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene and if parked outdoors at high temperature, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, the people inside the car will inevitably inhale an excess amount of the toxins.

So be careful, especially those who travel all the day in A/C cars. The prolonged exposure will affect your health.


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